10 Things You Didn't Know About Jennifer Lawrence

6. She Almost Turned Down The Hunger Games

Lawrence€™s breakthrough proper would come in Winter€™s Bone in 2010, but she very nearly didn€™t get that role either. Her mother had read the novel years earlier and told her daughter she was perfect for the part of Ree, the teak-tough Ozarks girl trying to hold her family together, but the filmmakers were concerned that she was too pretty for the part. For her final audition, Lawrence took a red-eye flight to New York and walked twelve blocks in the sleet and snow, showing up with unwashed hair and snot frozen on her face. It did the trick. Her persistence was rewarded with universal praise for her performance and an Oscar nomination, but it was the role of Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games that would see her crossover from acclaimed actress to A-list superstar. Nevertheless, despite having read and loved the Suzanne Collins novels, she was extremely hesitant about becoming a franchise figurehead. Mindful of how life-changing the role might be and the potential ramifications for her career and personal life, Lawrence spent three days deliberating over whether or not to accept the part before making her decision:
€œI thought: €˜I don't want to miss out because I'm scared. Me being scared, I never want that to stop me from doing something.€™ But I knew in my heart that I wanted it - it was about working out all the fears.€

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.