10 Things You Didn't Know About The Marvel Cinematic Universe

7. The MCU Is The Second Highest-Grossing Movie Franchise Ever (After Harry Potter)

It might not be super surprising to learn that the MCU has done so well financially, but it might come as something of a shocker to discover that it is, in fact, the second highest-grossing movie franchise of all-time (and the highest-grossing film franchise in the US of all-time). It comes second only to that of Harry Potter, which has amassed an astounding $8 billion dollars (and counting). But that's probably soon to change. What's more interesting to learn, perhaps, is that the MCU franchise - with just 10 movies to its name currently - has amassed more cash than the entire James Bond franchise (which consists of 23 films), which has grossed a mean $6 billion. The MCU also beats out the Star Wars, Batman, Transformers, and Middle-Earth franchises. Give it another couple of years, then, and it's likely to be the highest-grossing series ever.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.