10 Things Fans Hated About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

5. How Did Maz Get Luke’s Lightsaber?

Star Wars The Force Awakens Maz Kanata Lightsaber

Talk about your “And we’ll get around to this later!” plot teases, Maz Kanata literally tells the audience that her acquisition of Luke’s lightsaber - last seen falling to the depths of Cloud City, no less - is “a story for another time”.

That “time” would come in the Force Awakens Visual Dictionary as we find out Maz actually sought out the saber after deciding to reactivate her force powers, following the death of Emperor Palpatine.

However, is that anywhere in the movie? Is it anywhere other than a completely optional book that references this in a couple of sentences? Hell no, and that’s besides the fact that even Luke - who again, hasn’t seen this saber in 30 years - doesn’t even enquire as to how Rey got it.

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