10 Things In Horror Movies That Just Aren't Scary Anymore

1. Jump Scares

The Unborn

And that brings us all to the biggest offender... The jump scare. THE single most overused and boring cliché that Hollywood still uses.

Jump scares come in all shapes and sizes, from the jpeg image superimposed onto the screen after a long painful walk down a set of basement steps to a 'fake out' that ends a long and suspenseful section ending up with a catastrophic let-down of a friendly hand landing on a shoulder or a cat meowing to be fed at night.

Come on people, why on earth would you sneak up behind someone who just spent the last twenty minutes tip toeing down the stairs. And why are so many people forgetting to feed their pets before they go to bed?

The worst offender of these definitely has to be the 'nothing' jump scare. When a simple sound is supposed to be enough pay off to a long drawn out section of synth powered suspense. Every horror movie from the last ten years seems to have at least fifty of these per hour, as if the studios have a by-film quota to hit.

The reason it tops this list is because not once since their inception have they ever been anything more than a cheap scare good only for trailers and youtube reaction videos.

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A 24 year old amalgamation of pop culture indecency. If it exists I have an opinion on it.