10 Things In Horror Movies That Just Aren't Scary Anymore

2. Mental Illness

The Unborn
Paramount Pictures

This one is perhaps mostly forgivable in older films but an absolute sin in anything released in the past few years.

As society's collective understanding of mental illness' and their effects upon people continues to grow it has quickly become bad taste to use a poorly appropriated illness such as schizophrenia or bi polar disorder to explain why someone would go on a murderous rampage or why they suddenly start to see ghosts everywhere they turn.

While a movie that handled the subject with care and tact could most definitely work and be a resounding success Hollywood as a whole first has to understand that not everybody that suffers from a mental illness is the next Norman Bates and it can't be a good idea to potentially offend a large chunk of a prospective audience, that could suffer with these debilitating illnesses with these negative potrayals.


A 24 year old amalgamation of pop culture indecency. If it exists I have an opinion on it.