10 Things In Horror Movies That Just Aren't Scary Anymore

7. No Phone Signal

The Unborn
Magnolia Pictures

Since the dawn of man every fourteen to twenty three year old has lived in fear of the life threatening phenomena of a lack of phone signal. Every horror movie that employs a cast of teens or early twenty something's seems to have this problem and always at the pivotal point.

Whether a friend's dad's cabin tucked away in the woods is devoid of nearby cell towers or a middle class suburb just happens to lose signal while one of the aforementioned twenty some-things hides in a closet frantically trying to call the police.

This is one of those problems that yes, we can all relate to but that no longer justifies its consistent inclusion in film at the most inconvenient of times for the sake of drama, suspense and tension.

For every time a ghost can't burst through a wall or a serial killer can't drag the main character from the closet and stab them in the neck and be done with it there is always the obstacle that is having enough signal to make a single phone call on a device more powerful than the one, that decades ago, they used to send people to the moon.


A 24 year old amalgamation of pop culture indecency. If it exists I have an opinion on it.