10 Things In Horror Movies That Just Aren't Scary Anymore

8. Old Timey Songs

The Unborn

Why must every new ghost movie involve some sweet old song twisted and stained forever by being accompanied by a ghost dancing around the house or a demon twiddling its thumbs?

Go back to the scene at the end of the first, and what should have been the last, Insidious where after all the strife and turmoil Patrick Wilson has been through, he stumbles upon the weird creepy demon guy rocking out to tip toe through the tulips on his old gramophone. At that point the question Patrick Wilson should have been asking is when between hauntings did this hellish beast find the time to go out and buy a device capable and what maniac sold it to them?

That's not to mention the trailers of these films, often including a minor key cover of a popular song to make the hair on the back of our necks stand up.


A 24 year old amalgamation of pop culture indecency. If it exists I have an opinion on it.