10 Things Learned From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
6. The Clone Wars And Other New Canon Material Has Improved The Phantom Menace
While watching a young Obi-Wan Kenobi lose his master Qui-Gon during that aforementioned fight with Darth Maul was obviously a heartbreaker all the way back in '99, it was arguably more so with the knowledge many a Star Wars fan possesses today.
You see, for those who have now taken in the beautifully animated and routinely affecting animated The Clone Wars series, watching Kenobi cradle Qui-Gon here likely brought back the emotional visual of the Jedi performing a similar action when his beloved Satine Kryze was again cut down by his Dathomirian nemesis.
Poor Obi couldn't catch a break.
But that isn't the only moment you realise is now enhanced by Star Wars material that would only be released many moons after Episode I's premiere.
Maul himself now feels like a far more compelling character than the one once classed as arguably the most wasted figure in the franchise's history, all thanks to his intriguing backstory and life post-Phantom being explored in the likes of the Darth Maul, Age of Republic, and Son of Dathomir comics, and in The Clone Wars and Rebels animated shows.
Knowing just how much anger and rage Maul would unleash as he looked to get revenge on both Kenobi and Darth Sidious in the time that followed Obi-Wan's epic slice manoeuvre makes the Duel of the Fates climax feel that little more impactful, too.
Then there is Qui-Gon, who while still given a rounded depiction in the film, has benefited just as heartily from the attention of subsequent Star Wars stories, with Claudia Gray's Master & Apprentice novel and the Tales of the Jedi animated series further contextualising the Jedi's maverick nature.
Put simply, The Phantom Menace is a better watch if you've really immersed yourself in the Star Wars stories away from the feature-length tales.