Mission Impossible 6: 10 Things It Must Address

9. Add Some Sex Appeal!

Mission Impossible 6
Paramount Pictures

One thing about Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation was that it was not a movie that relied on eye candy, unless eye candy for you means big stunt pieces. No, there was an absolute lack of sex appeal in the film, bikini shot aside, and while there's nothing wrong with that - not everything should rely on sex to sell - there were parts where the movie was practically screaming for it. The relationship between Hunt and the female lead, for example, who despite a wee bit of flirting, ended things on a hug. A hug.

While there's no point comparing the film to the Bond franchise, a little more electricity between Cruise's Hunt and Rebecca Ferguson's Ilsa Faust (Faust, Kane, sensing a theme here) would have been welcome. Faust clearly had feelings for Hunt beyond simple human decency, considering how far out of her way she goes to ensure his well being in the film.

Why set all that up and not pay it off? Unless, of course, they mean for her to return in the next installment. In which case, at least this complaint will (hopefully) be addressed.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.