10 Things Movie Fans Find Too Distracting

8. Shaky Cam

Star Trek Into Darkness

When an average person pays their hard earned money to watch the latest hit action movie starring Matt Damon, Tom Cruise or whoever else has been enlisted to throw themselves around a film set on that occasion, they tend to want to, you know, see what is going on.

Unfortunately for them, over the last two decades our action films have slowly been contaminated by the cinematic eyesore that is shaky cam.

Instead of giving us smooth shots which fully show-off exactly what each character is doing at any given moment, this camera technique leaves audiences scratching their heads and struggling to figure out what is actually happening on screen.

Sure, the effect can help add some extra grit and pace to a scene. But, is it really worth alienating your fans just to make a sequence feel a bit more grounded?

In all honesty, shaky cam probably wouldn't be all that bad or distracting if it was only used every now and again to really stress how intense or unstable a certain situation is. Sadly, instead of using this potentially brilliant tool in moderation, everything from the Bourne series to Man of Steel has proven there is such a thing as having too much shaky cam.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...