10 Things You Need To Know About Guardians Of The Galaxy

6. Big Is Not Always Best

The giant floating head is the first appearance of the Celestials in the Marvel universe. Fans were wondering if they will appear and they did, even if was only the severed head of one. The Celestials are giant god like figures that stand 2000 feet tall and created life, death and the multiverse. They can control and arrange matter and energy at will, teleport anywhere in the universe like in JJ Abrams Star Trek and are pretty much invincible. In the comics, the Guardians have had storylines involving the Celestials so there is a chance that they might appear properly at some point in a future sequel. But there is also a possibility that they might not because it appears that Hollywood is not sure what to do with characters that are enormous in scale. Lorenzo di Bonaventura who was producer on the Transformers movies recently said this about Unicron, an equally enormous gigantean in the Transformers universe;
€œThe problem with Unicron is how big it is. It€™s boring, that big. How do you stop it?
The Celestials might have the same issue. The Celestial head we did see in the movie was called Knowhere and is actually the base of the Guardians of the Galaxy in the comics.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.