10 Things You Need To Know About Guardians Of The Galaxy

7. There Is A Reason You Cant Get ''Hooked On A Feeling'' Out Of Your Head

In the Guardians of the Galaxy comic, Peter Quill€™s ship was called the very imaginative €˜€™Ship.€™€™ Just plane €˜€™Ship.€™€™ As that wouldn€™t do for the cinema audience, the movie version was given the name €˜€™Milano.€™€™ As with all of these things, the reason behind the renaming was to further remind the viewer that Quill is a child of the 1980€™s and he named his ship after his childhood crush, Alyssa Milano. For those of you who are scratching their heads because you only know her from Charmed, you might also remember her as Schwarzenegger€™s daughter ''JAANNNNY'' in Commando. But the grounding of Peter Quill doesn€™t stop there. As well as basing the design of the Millano on an old fashioned Hot Rod, James Gunn also used the excellent soundtrack as a constant reminder that the Star Lord is one of us, and he used the music to get the audience to connect with the character better than any dialogue could have. He said;
"The music is one of those touchstones that we have to remind us that Quill is a real person from planet Earth who's just like you and me, except that he's in this big outer space adventure."

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.