10 Things You Need To Know About Joel Schumacher's Batman Triumphant

1. Schumacher Was Atoning For His Sins (And Still Might)

So yes, apparently Batman Triumphant was a concerted effort on Schumacher's part for disappointing fans of the Tim Burton films by paring back all the OTT camp stuff and focusing on the dark, brooding character the Caped Crusader really is (when he's not being played by Adam West, anyway). Looking back he said he felt he "owe the Batman culture a real Batman movie. I would go back to the basics and make a dark portrayal of the Dark Knight." So yeah, Batman Triumphant would essentially have been Batman Begins, only with Schumacher and Clooney instead of Nolan and Bale. Who knows how that might've turned out? Probably still not great, but better than Batman & Robin, you'd hope. Fans might even get a chance to see what it'd have been like at some point. Last year there was some scuttlebutt that Schumacher was getting the chance to turn the unproduced Triumphant script into a comic book, to be illustrated by industry hot shot Dustin Nguyen. Both Schumacher and Nguyen have pleaded ignorance to any such project, but the rumours persist. Maybe there's still life in the project after all. Maybe Batman Triumphant finally will be...well, triumphant?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/