10 Things You Need To Know About Joel Schumacher's Batman Triumphant

2. Parts Of The Script Were Used For Batman Begins

One of the most interesting things about Joel Schumacher's tenure on the Batman films is quite how much its legacy is felt amongst Christopher Nolan's take on the Dark Knight. The camp, brightly-coloured, tongue-in-cheek portrayal (and the failure of such) is what caused Warner Bros to take the franchise in a different direction, but that's not all. Schumacher, Clooney, and apparently everyone else involved with Batman & Robin is aware of what an awful mess they were a part of. To Schumacher's credit, he did want to try something different with Batman Triumphant. That's why the larger-than-life villains were replaced by the grotesque Mad Hatter and Man-Bat. That's why the all-too-literal Poison Ivy and Mr Freeze were swapped out for the psychological horror of The Scarecrow. Who ended up being the main villain of Batman Begins years later, putting paid to the rumours that parts of the abandoned Triumphant script were salvaged by Nolan.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/