10 Things You Need To Know About Joel Schumacher's Batman Triumphant

3. George Clooney Nixed The Whole Thing

Speaking of that guy from ER, it's almost certainly George Clooney's lack of interest in another Batman film that was the final nail in the coffin for Triumphant. Besides the scathing reviews and poor box office returns for Batman & Robin, that is. The superstar Hollywood actor has since remained in good humour about his part as Bruce Wayne, but has never been in any doubt as to the film's quality. When questioned about Ben Affleck's casting in the part of the Dark Knight for the upcoming Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, Clooney responded "I am the least qualified person to comment on anyone playing the role of Batman since I so terribly destroyed the part.€ Yep, he's under no allusions as to what Batman & Robin did. Presumably that's not something that's been benefited by hindsight. At the time he was almost certainly offered silly money to reprise his role as Batman, but chose instead to maintain some integrity after that absolute turkey and walk away. Apparently losing their leading man was enough to bring Batman Triumphant crashing down.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/