10 Things You Need To Know About Star Trek 3

7. Justin Lin's The Director Now Though

Not to worry, though, because Paramount made a choice pretty quickly after all that. In the end they plumped for Justin Lin to fill JJ Abrams' not inconsiderable shoes on the third Star Trek film, presumably with the proviso he contributes just as many gratutious lens flares and shots of Alice Eve in her underwear. Probably in the contract or something. Lin might seem a bit of an odd choice. The studio have certainly gone in a different direction from the geek-friendly sci-fi fan Abrams, with the Taiwanese-born Lin's filmography being a lot more populist and even less intellectual than the more fast-paced, action-centric Star Trek reboots. As in, the guy's directed a lot of Fast And Furious films. In fact, past his debut gonzo sex comedy Shopping For Fangs and breakthrough crime drama Better Luck Tomorrow (which was partly funded by MC Hammer €“ true story), a disproportionate amount of Lin's films have been in the series, having directed every one since the third instalment, Tokyo Drift.
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Star Trek 3
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/