10 Things You Need To Know About Star Trek 3

5. Shatner's Going To Have A Cameo

One of the surprising cast members in the first Star Trek film (and he popped in briefly for Into Darkness as well) as Leonard Nimoy reprising his role as the pointy-eared, highly logical Vulcan Spock, the second-in-command of the Enterprise in the original sixties TV series. He fell through a wormhole or something and wound up being part of an alternate timeline, meeting his younger self. The Zachary Quinto/Nimoy team up was relatively short-lived, what with time paradoxes and actor's salaries being what they are, but it was a cute little nod to what had come before as the rebooted Trek barrelled into the future. It did open the door for future potential cameos but old hands at the series however. Like, say, Captain James T Kirk the first? William Shatner kicked up a bit of a fuss that Nimoy was chosen instead of him for Star Trek, but apparently Abrams contacted him about dropping into the third film, and that dream might just become a reality. Possibly with more alternate timeline nonsense.
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Star Trek 3
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/