10 Things You Need To Know About Suicide Squad

2. There's Still A Key Part Yet To Be Cast

Even whilst Luthor was calling the shots from the White House, the true leader of the Suicide Squad was the same as it ever was: the tough-as-nails Dr Amanda Waller, undoubtedly one of the most compelling and engaging characters in all of comic books €“ and one who doesn't actually have any powers. Any physical ones, anyway, though her sharp mind and ability to control the fates of the villains in her employ has her as one of the most feared and respected members of the DC Universe. There's even an issue in the classic Suicide Squad run where Batman starts poking his nose into the covert government operation, none to happy with the prospect of rehabilitating villains. It's Waller who ultimately sends him packing, threatening to throw her considerable resources behind exposing the Dark Knight's secret identity to the world. See, now a woman who can stand up to Batman, solely by talking to the guy? That's somebody you don't want to mess with. Between that and the fact that she's always been a key component of the Suicide Squad, she 100% must be part of the film. And yet hers appeared to be the only role that's yet to be cast, missing as she was from this week's announcement. For years the fan favourite to fill the role has been CCH Pounder (who essentially played Waller as a police detective in The Shield), but current list of rumoured candidates includes Octavia Spencer of The Help, How To Get Away With Murder's Viola Davis, or Oprah Winfrey of Being Oprah Winfrey fame. With a list of actors like that €“ and seriously, how rad would it be if they cast Oprah €“ Waller's a shoo-in.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/