10 Things You Need To Know About Suicide Squad

9. Deadshot Is Your New Favourite Anti-Hero

One of the few stalwarts who's managed to cling on as a near-constant member of the Suicide Squad is Floyd Lawton, better known as Deadshot, a long time member of Batman's rogues gallery who first tangled with the Caped Crusader all the way back in the fifties. He's changed considerably since then, but his modus operandi and abilities have stayed essentially the same. He's not just a crack shot, he's arguably the best marksman on the planet, aided later by a cybernetic eye that grants increased accuracy and provides additional mission and target data. Deadshot prides himself on never missing, which is all the more impressive considering the dude uses a pair of silenced, wrist-mounted guns. Can't be easy to aim with those puppies. A mercenary who originally intended to take over as Gotham's premiere crimefighter, Floyd has since found more steady work as an assassin-for-hire, which regularly put him up against some of the DC Universe's biggest hitters. In the Suicide Squad comics he got more fleshed out, primarily his desire to die in a spectacular fashion. He's not necessarily suicidal, he just doesn't really care either way if he lives or dies. Recently he's softened a little, owing to the revelation that he has a long-lost daughter he wanted to take care of, but he's remained a mostly murderous, snarky and charismatic character. Who better to play him, then, than Will Smith, The Most Charming Man In The World (When He's Not In A M Night Shyamalan Film)„?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/