10 Things Star Wars Fans Don't Want To Accept About The Movies

3. Kylo Ren Was A Better Villain Than Darth Vader

Star Wars A New Hope CGI Jabba

There's no denying that Darth Vader is one of the greatest movie villains of all-time, but when you look beyond the prequels, animated spinoffs, and Expanded Universe material, he's actually somewhat one-dimensional. He's just a bad guy, and it's not until Return of the Jedi's final act that the former Anakin Skywalker actually shows some depth.

While there's a tonne of negativity surrounding the sequels, Kylo Ren is a vastly superior bad guy, and a far more complex character than his grandfather.

Unlike Vader, Ren is clearly and constantly conflicted, with his soul torn between the Light and Dark sides of the Force. Vader, on the other hand, just became a murderous psychopath the second he joined Emperor Palpatine, and his return to the Light didn't feel anywhere near as earned as when Ben Solo joined Rey at the end of the otherwise underwhelming Rise of Skywalker.

Even in a bad movie, his death packed a considerably bigger emotional punch, and that alone says a lot about what makes Kylo Ren a better bad guy than the undeniably more iconic Darth Vader.

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