10 Things That Would Stop Batman Vs Superman From Sucking

5. A Compelling Post-Credits Scene Which Teases Major Expansion

Although it has recently been stated that Darkseid won't appear in DC's cinematic universe until Justice League 2, this could mean in a capacity that actually has him as being a main character. Thanos, for example, appeared in the mid-credits scene of the Avengers movie and has recently been seen in Guardians of the Galaxy, but his first main appearance is going to be in the Avengers 3 - and hopefully that's what will happen with Darkseid. It would be absolutely amazing to see Darkseid in the credits of Batman Vs Superman. Although we've already said we don't want any more characters, it wouldn't be in the main body of the movie, so it wouldn't affect the movie itself, and fans would go wild knowing that the all-powerful New God existed in the DC movie universe. Of course, many people would argue that DC were copying Marvel, but the fact that Thanos is essentially a clone of Darkseid in the first place throws that argument right out. If it's not going to be Darkseid, the post-credits scene needs to be something equally as epic because, as everyone knows, these days, they're almost as important and memorable as the movies themselves and it's a formula that we know works particularly well with comic book movies.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.