10 Things That Would Stop Batman Vs Superman From Sucking

4. Ensure Wonder Woman Is Awesome

Although we're under the impression that Gal Gadot's part as Wonder Woman in this movie is going to be a relatively small one, she really does need to make a big impression. Make no mistake about it - if Batman and Superman are DC's golden boys, Wonder Woman is the female equivalent who is every bit as big and as popular as the male pairing. Indeed, as a trio, they are known collectively as DC's holy trinity, so anything less than a respectful, worthwhile and true portrayal of the character on the big screen will not be taken lightly by comic book fans. The images that have been released of Gadot in character so far look promising and any fears that the Wonder Woman character might be too cheesy and not translate aesthetically to a big budget, modern day movie have been allayed, but we know nothing of her role or the quality of Gadot's portrayal and, regarding that, we will simply have to wait to find out how it turns out.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.