10 Things That Could Save The Transformers Movies

5. Less Culturally Stereotypical Characters

This isn't just referring to those two little cars from Revenge of the Fallen - there's also Drift to consider. The IDW comics universe of Transformers has had its fair share of ups and downs, but its constantly imaginative use of plot and characters continue to invite fierce debate among fans, and the IDW version of Drift added fuel to fan's dislike of the Bay version. In both the IDW-verse and the live-action-verse, Drift is something of a ninja, armed with some impressive sword skills. However, one look at how Drift appears in both versions illustrates the problem - the live-action Drift is immensely cartoony, while IDW's take on the character is almost the opposite - oh, the irony. Its no wonder then how fan's enjoy the IDW take on the Transformers more than the live-action ones. Like Simon Furman, the majority of writer's who've penned the various sagas understand that first and foremost, Transformers are characters. Immensely interesting ones to boot, without the need to squander to stereotypes based on their personalities and roles for a few laughs.

Senior editor for the superhero/comic book hub A Place To Hang Your Cape. BA in Creative Writing and Film Studies from Hull Uni. Currently getting lost in the big wide world of freelance writing. And some other stuff.