10 Things That Could Save The Transformers Movies

4. Remember Transformers Are Characters, Not Just Toys

Doesn't Optimus Prime's death in The Transformers: The Movie say it all? All those legends of children leaving the cinemas in tears and locking themselves in their rooms cuddling up to their plastic Optimus Prime toys probably have some amount of truth to them - even if they involve a bit of exaggeration, they show how strongly audiences feel connected to the Transformers as characters, not just as toys. The live-action films don't appear bothered by this at all, and Revenge Of The Fallen is a particularly bad example. The trio of female Autobots who attempt to rescue Sam in the desert battle, only to be destroyed, have just the one line of dialogue between them. Any additional focus on their characters, giving them some form of tangible personality, would surely be a step in the right direction in making these films somewhat enjoyable.

Senior editor for the superhero/comic book hub A Place To Hang Your Cape. BA in Creative Writing and Film Studies from Hull Uni. Currently getting lost in the big wide world of freelance writing. And some other stuff.