10 Things That Happen In Movies That Piss You Off

5. Hilariously Unrealistic PG-13 Sex Scenes

Amelie 2001

Sex scenes are always tricky to pull off, because even when you've got a permissive R rating, there are lot of concerns to deal with - namely the comfort of your cast members and where the line is drawn between meaningful portrayal and salacious exploitation.

This becomes even trickier, and more potentially laughable, in the PG-13 arena, where filmmakers are heavily restricted on what they can show.

Generally speaking "sexualised nudity" - that is, a woman's breasts or genitals of either sex - will instantly get you an R rating, and so PG-13 sex scenes tend to be comically unrealistic, tasteful affairs.

Some of the more ridiculously risible cliches include a bed sheet being used to obscure "offending" body parts, or the writhing bodies being strategically posed to conceal them.

And then there's Underworld: Evolution, the gold standard of infuriatingly unbelievable sex scenes, where the rutting between the mega-hot Kate Beckinsale and Scott Speedman is somehow rendered hysterical because their nether-regions aren't even remotely lined up. It looks like he's aiming for her stomach!

Granted, sex scenes in most movies are only dubiously "necessary" at best, but if they're not going to present sexuality with something approaching authenticity, then why even bother at all? Madness.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.