10 Things That Happen In Movies That Piss You Off

6. Everyone Has Perfect Hair No Matter What

Amelie 2001
Warner Bros.

This is a big bugbear in post-apocalyptic movies in particular, where no matter how bleak or treacherous the setting might be, the cast members still look impossibly sexy.

Take Dune, where even when he's skulking around in the desert, Paul Atreides (Timothee Chalamet) has a perfectly coiffed mane of hair. Despite being exposed to the extremely harsh climate of inhospitable planet Arrakis, he looks about ready to go out on a hot date.

On the female side, women in post-apocalyptic films are also clearly still wearing makeup and have made over-the-odds efforts to beautify themselves with virtually no underarm or leg hair in sight.

This isn't to say that people would totally abandon their grooming rituals when the world goes to hell, but it'd surely become much less of a priority, especially when factoring in a scarcity of resources.

At the end of the day it's a compromise on the part of filmmakers: movie studios know that audiences are drawn to physically attractive people, and when they're dropping a cool $165 million on a lavish, ambitious sci-fi blockbuster, they don't want to give viewers any additional reasons to stay away.

Implausibly hot post-apocalyptic heroes are the price paid for said movies existing in the first place, basically. It's still annoying, but such are the economics.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.