10 Things That Must Happen In MCU Phase 3

8. Peter Parker Uses The Iron Spider

Avengers Iron Man Star Lord
Marvel Comics

Peter Parker ends up being gifted his iconic Iron Spider armour by Tony Stark, which of course enhances Spidey's pre-existing powers in every way while granting him spider-like tentacles and a host of other nifty additions.

Considering that Spider-Man: Homecoming will see Parker and Stark teaming up, and the movie may see Spidey take on The Vulture, it'd be the perfect film for the web-slinger to bust out the enhanced suit.

How Likely Is It?: This is a tricky one. Marvel may want to spend Spidey's first solo movie dealing with him as a more conventional iteration of the superhero, but one could easily see the armour show up in Infinity War when the battle ratchets up.

It would be a smart and potentially awesome way to one-up Spider-Man from previous cinematic iterations, and considering the subversive creative choices Marvel Studios have made so far, we'll optimistically bank on it for Infinity War. 6/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.