10 Things That Never Happen in Virus Movies (But Should)

3. Characters living it up in awesome buildings

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDzHsQapOKQ In the same way that archives of mankind€™s achievements are of little interest to virus movie survivors, so too are amazing locations that were hitherto inaccessible to them. Which is quite baffling. Think about it: If you€™d escaped a lethal plague in Florida, would you take refuge in dirty motels or go to live in Disneyworld?; if you€™d survived a zombie uprising in Washington DC, would you slum it in a shopping mall or move into the White House? Oh well, at least Zombieland gave us some characters rocking up to party at Bill Murray€™s house.
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Andrew Tipp is a writer, blogger and editor. He writes about pop culture, media and technology, and is interested in how the digital world is changing our lives. He’s a fan of chorizo, coffee, film geekery, reading graphic novels, enjoying TV box set marathons and formulating zombie survival strategies.