10 Things That Will Never Happen In The Marvel Cinematic Universe‏

6. Beta Ray Bill Becoming God Of Thunder

Black Widow and Iron Man aren't the only ones who've had to deal with pretenders to their throne, designed to shake things up a bit and hopefully attract some new readers. During Walt Simonson's classic run on The Mighty Thor, the writer-artist introduced Beta Ray Bill, a monstrous-looking alien who turned out to be the only other person in the universe "worthy" of wielding the Norse God's mythical hammer Mjolnir. Since then Bill has become one of the most popular supporting characters in the Thor comics, eventually being gifted his own Mjolnir-style hammer in the form of Stormbreaker, and frequently going around dressed in the same garb as his blonde-haired pal, remaining fiercely loyal to Asgard and its occupants. Simonson's run helped develop the character from his goofy sixties origins, and was no doubt an influence on the movie incarnation of Thor. And those movies have frequently strayed into stranger territory than the likes of Captain America and Iron Man, what with all the gods and magic and mystical rainbow bridges across the universe. Beta Ray Bill may just be a step too far, however. We're aware that Guardians of the Galaxy is chocka with weird and wonderful alien creatures - including the all-CG Groot and Rocket Raccoon - but part of the reason that looks like it'll work so well is because the Guardians exist in their own little pocket of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If they ever crossed the Avengers, it'd be a weird confluence of tones, the grounded and the fantastical perhaps not meshing particularly well. It'd be the same if, in his next headline movie, Chris Hemsworth shared top billing with a seven-foot tall orange alien. Soz Bill.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/