10 Things To Expect From Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3

8. Doctor Strange (November 4, 2016)

Despite introducing a new character into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and being the first movie to follow the potentially game-changing Captain America: Civil War, very little information was revealed about Doctor Strange at yesterday's Phase 3 announcement. Although Benedict Cumberbatch was reported to be in talks for the title role just a few days ago, there has yet to be any official confirmation regarding the casting of the title role. What we do know is that Scott Derrickson is directing from a script by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer that has been rewritten by Jon Spaihts, with principal photography set to commence next May. While almost nothing is known about the production at this point, Steven Strange was name-dropped in Captain America: The Winter Soldier which already makes him a known quantity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With both Earthbound and cosmic heroes populating the MCU, Doctor Strange promises to introduce audiences to the supernatural side of things, thanks to this quote from Kevin Feige;
€œIn the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the supernatural, that involves everything from quantum mechanics to string theory. The idea of this film is to open up a whole new corner of the cinematic universe. We want to enter, through Strange, the world of parallel dimensions.€
The movie will likely follow the character's origin story, with the brief synopsis describing 'Doctor Stephen Strange, brilliant neurosurgeon, bit of an arrogant fellow who gets in a car accident and ruins what he thinks are the tools of his trade: his hands.' In both introducing a new character and opening up a new corner of the MCU, Derrickson certainly has a tough task ahead of him but Fiege has claimed the director will be 'creating visuals the likes of which we haven€™t seen in any Marvel movie before and hopefully, you haven€™t seen in any movie ever.', which certainly seems like a tall order. Perhaps Iron Man or Captain America will attempt to recruit the good doctor to their side of the cause following Civil War, but after his standalone debut expect the Sorcerer Supreme to show up again to play his part in the Infinity War.
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