10 Things To Expect From Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3

7. Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (May 5, 2017)

Guardians of the Galaxy was long-regarded as Marvel Studios' biggest-ever gamble, an ambitious sci-fi based on little-known source material boasting a cast with very little in the way of star power. However, it turned out to be perhaps the studio's best movie yet, earning glowing critical praise on its way to becoming the third highest-grossing entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with over $750m and counting at the box office. Naturally, a sequel was announced and given the quality of the team's first outing the expectations surrounding the follow-up are now sky-high. Given that the Guardians of the Galaxy are currently the only occupants in the cosmic side of the MCU, there are literally infinite possibilities in which to take the franchise. Even with the threat of Thanos looming large in the background of the MCU, it seems unlikely that the Guardians will come into contact with the studio's Earthbound heroes until Infinity War Part I at the very earliest, which hopefully allows James Gunn the creative freedom to make any kind of sequel he wants. Last month the director stated his wish to introduce more female members into the universe but Carol Danvers wouldn't be one of them (now we know why), and also his desire to expand the mythology surrounding Peter Quill and his father, along with more backstory for Drax and Yondu, not to mention the cosmic MacGuffin known as the Infinity Gems which as we know, will play a very important role in Phase 3. It seems likely that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will push Star-Lord's daddy issues to the forefront, and James Gunn has even gone on record to state that his father isn't the same character as it is in the comics. Along with the return of the core team, the sequel seems likely to feature Adam Warlock (who was teased in the original), the return of both the Collector and Nebula and a larger role for Josh Brolin's Thanos, as he surely needs to be in possession of at least a couple of Infinity Gems by the time May 2018 rolls around. If it can match the high bar set by the original, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has the potential to be the show-stealing entry in Marvel's Phase 3.
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