10 Things To Expect From Upcoming DCEU Movies

2. Batgirl's Title Causes A Ton Of Controversy

Batgirl DC
DC Comics

It was recently confirmed that a Batgirl movie is on the way, with Joss Whedon set to both write and direct, but you may as well brace yourself now for the inevitable controversies that will emerge as its release draws closer.

The main sticking point for many will be that, in 2017, having women playing superheroes and calling them "girl" just seems a bit daft at best, and casually sexist at worst.

There's an infantilisation of women inherent in the name Batgirl, and it'll take some incredible maneuvering from Whedon, who was recently raked over the coals for his flagrantly sexist leaked Wonder Woman script, to get away with the character being named as such.

Yes, it'd be a commercially risky move to change the name, and Batwoman doesn't really roll off the tongue as easily, but in the months before the film comes out, there will no doubt be a ton of "think pieces" about the comic book genre's refusal to let women simply be women. Get ready.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.