10 Things We Learned From Kevin Hart On Joe Rogan Experience

2. The Hart Legacy

If you know anything about Kevin Hart, you'll know that one of the things he holds dearest to him is his family. He's referenced them in his comedy, posted them on his social media and he's made it quite clear that following his near life-ending accident, that they're the biggest priority in his life.

So when he talks about dealing with his children, there's usually something a little tidbit that any parent can understand and even potentially utilise yourself. His story about dealing with his teenage daughter losing her temper is a perfect example of a mature adult realising that the real problem wasn't that his daughter shouted at him and that it was deeply rooted in something else.

While the two can get silly extremely quickly, we often times forget that they're both men with children and there's nothing wrong with sharing different and helpful ways to create decent children who feel like they can share their feelings with adults without fear.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.