10 Things We Learned From Kevin Smith On Joe Rogan's Podcast

1. Smith Used His Heart Attack To Guilt Actors Into Working With Him

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Ben Affleck
Saban Films

It's an odd thing to say, obviously, but heart attacks do have their benefits. Obviously, Kevin Smith is a lot healthier now than he was before it happened, but he was also able to leverage his near-death experience into a professional opportunity too. Thanks to some good old fashioned guilt tripping.

He says he used the heart attack to convince people to come and cameo in his movie, which might go some way to explaining how he got Ben Affleck to turn up again:

“I reached out to like everyone I know about being in the movie. Even the people who are like, ‘Ah, I don’t want to go to New Orleans. That’s far. I [was] like, ‘You do remember I almost died of a f*cking heart attack.’ And they were like, ‘Alright, I’m coming.’ I guilted like everyone into coming.”

In a more touching monent, Smith also says at the end of the podcast that he started filming the Reboot exactly one year to the day of his heart attack as “a big f**k you” to it.

Here's the podcast in full...


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