10 Things We Learned From Kevin Smith On Joe Rogan's Podcast

5. His Short Stint In Stand-Up Inspired A Clerks Joke

Entertainment Weekly's PopFest Kevin Smith
2016 Getty Images

Rogan and Smith talk a lot about their paths to where they are now and Smith asks Rogan about his stand-up career. At times it's a lot like Smith is the host, actually, as he allows Rogan to talk a lot.

Rogan reveals how he grew into his skill as a comedian with practice from the age of 21 and Smith counters, revealing he went on stage once to do stand-up before making Clerks at an open mic night. He says, somewhat surprisingly, that he sucked and the only bit that had a good response was one about sucking his own d*ck.

Because it worked, though, Smith banked and and later remembered it and how it had gone down when he was writing Clerks. And here it is...


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