10 Things We Learned From This Year's Super Bowl Trailers

3. The White House? How About An Entire City!

Depending on how much you liked the original Independence Day, the sequel (titled "Resurgence") is either one of your most highly anticipated 2016 releases or a movie you couldn't care less about. I fall into the latter category, but there's no denying that Rolan Emmerich's return to this world looks pretty dame epic. While that shot of the White House being destroyed has become iconic, there's a lot here to potentially match that, including entire cities being decimated. London once again also comes under fire - a real movie trope in recent years - and while the TV spot is pretty much 99% CGI, the effects look mostly flawless in all fairness. Whether Independence Day: Resurgence will find the same level of success that Jurassic World and Star Wars: The Force Awakens did last year remains to be seen, but fans of the first movie will inevitably be there on day one for this sequel, and the whole idea of the aliens returning to Earth in greater numbers to take revenge for their earlier defeat does make a lot of sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5K0lKrebqg

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.