10 Things We Want To See In Ready Player Two

6. A New Director

Ready Player One Steven Spielberg
Warner Bros.

Steven Spielberg did a fantastic job directing the hell out of Ready Player One and significantly elevating it beyond what it could've been in a lesser filmmaker's hands, but at the same time, the guy has a dodgy track record with sequels, and it's probably best if he moves on to other things and lets a younger, hungrier director tackle the follow-up.

The potential choices are countless, but our early suggestion is Joseph Kosinski, who did a fantastic job helming Tron: Legacy, its scripting issues notwithstanding. He's got an impeccable eye for visuals and is one of the few filmmakers who could take up Spielberg's mantle with a fair degree of seamlessness.

Spielberg will surely be getting an offer to return to the director's chair if he hasn't already, but with the ridiculous array of projects on his slate right now, it's probably best for everyone involved if another talented filmmaker is brought in.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.