10 Things We Want To See In Ready Player Two

3. An Exploration Of Existential Themes

Ready Player One Halliday
Warner Bros.

One of the most intriguing moments in Ready Player One is Wade's final meeting with OASIS co-creator James Halliday (Mark Rylance), who is of course dead before the adventure even begins, but appears at the end of Wade's final challenge as a virtual projection of the man's essence.

Wade even seems unsure of exactly who or what he's talking to, and there's the slightest hint that maybe, just maybe, some of Halliday is able to live on in the OASIS somewhere.

After all, a significant portion of his memories are archived in the OASIS, so it wouldn't be terribly surprising if, prior to his death, Halliday found a way to transmute his entire consciousness into the virtual realm.

Transhumanism is a subject that's been tackled in plenty of movies, perhaps most memorably the Tron films, Avatar and the (admittedly pretty naff) Johnny Depp movie Transcendence. Exploring this in Ready Player Two would potentially make it a far more thoughtful, surreal movie than its predecessor, asking intriguing questions about what it means to live, and the true nature and potential utility of technology.

If Halliday has managed to endure in the OASIS, it'd also give Wade an even greater impetus to keep it stable and protected from the inevitable villains who will presumably seek to corrupt or even destroy it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.