10 Things We Want To See In Ready Player Two

4. Commentary On Current Gaming Trends

Video Game Loot
Blizzard/Bungie/Warner Bros.

There are definitely moments in Ready Player One where it feels like Cline is about to comment on the current state of video games, especially with Ben Mendelsohn's money-grubbing baddie Nolan Sorrento, but he stops short of fully committing to it, perhaps for fear of alienating more general audiences.

Given the recent controversy revolving around microtransactions, loot boxes and generally crass monetisation practises in gaming, it'd be interesting to see that somehow incorporated into the sequel's premise.

Sure, nobody wants to watch a $175 million lecture about those greedy, greedy executives, but if it can be massaged into the typical action-packed shenanigans, it could flip a defiant middle-finger at some of the uglier aspects of the video game industry.

Given that many of the license-holders involved with the first film are guilty of these practises themselves, though, they might not take quite so kindly to such a message being included in the sequel. It's a tricky tightrope walk, but if it's subtle and clever enough, it could be quite a moment of big-screen vindication for gamers the world over.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.