10 Things You Definitely Googled After Watching These Horror Films

5. The Exorcist – Who Or What Is Pazuzu?

Hostel Eli Roth
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Exorcist - adapted from William Peter Blatty's novel of the same name - is not only one of the scariest movies in the history of cinema, but the film is also one that has so much of its central narrative tied to the established lore and figures of Roman Catholicism, while also pulling inspiration from several real-life exorcisms.

While we all remember Regan crab-walking down the stairs, her famous head-spinning, vomit-spewing antics, and that scene with a cross, one of the biggest takeaways upon finishing a first watch of 1973's The Exorcist is the haunting visage of Pazuzu.

The word Pazuzu is heard only a couple of times in The Exorcist, and those mentions are linked to brief cutaways of a white-faced figure. Pazuzu is never formally detailed or fully shown, yet this ends up being one of the bigger mysteries that people want to sink their teeth into after watching The Exorcist.

With answers to any question imaginable nowadays at our fingertips, Pazuzu is depicted in the Mesopotamian religion as being king of the demons of the wind and is said to be made up on both human and animal parts - often with the head of a lion, the claws of an eagle, a scorpion's tale and a snake's, err, penis.

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