10 Things You Definitely Googled After Watching These Horror Films

4. The Blair Witch Project - Was This Real?

Hostel Eli Roth
Artisan Entertainment

As someone who was around during the initial release of The Blair Witch Project, it's hard to think of a horror movie that was so perfect for its time.

With the internet having recently pierced the mainstream, the mystique and buzz around The Blair Witch Project ahead of its 1999 release was suited fantastically to the early days of the 'net. Genius marketing from directors Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez had the events of The Blair Witch Project depicted as being 100% genuine - with this purported to be a real documentary rather than a fictional film.

Months before anyone had even heard anything about this horror offering, Myrick and Sanchez had already put together a website with details of the disappearance of Heather, Michael and Josh, with a plea put out for anyone with information of the trio's whereabouts to come come forward.

By the time that everyone started talking about The Blair Witch Project ahead of its release, this website was long established and came off as completely legit. Could three college kids have really gone missing in the Burkittsville woods? Maybe. Could they have been attacked by a haunting spirit who roams this area? If the internet says so, then maybe they could've.

You have to remember that this was a time when people were still so naïve towards the online world. After all, why would somebody post stuff on the internet that wasn't entirely true? Surely nobody would waste their time doing that, and so the marketing of The Blair Witch Project worked wonders.

Not only did The Blair Witch Project have people searching for the truth after its release, even more impressive was that the film had people frantically searching online even before its release.

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