10 Things You Didn't Know About Donald Glover

5. He Was Behind One Of The Earliest YouTube Sensations

YouTube comedy is such a massive part of mainstream culture at this point that it's very difficult to imagine a world without it. But the fact is, Donald Glover was one of the earliest creators to fully utilise the potential of YouTube for sketch comedy. He and his friends from New York University formed a group called Derrick Comedy, creating one of the internet's earliest viral YouTube comedy videos in the form of a skit called "Bro Rape".

Since it was first uploaded, "Bro Rape" has garnered over ten million views, and at the time was an internet sensation. Derrick Comedy became so popular, in fact, that the group performed sold-out shows at multiple New York venues and even went on to create a Derrick Comedy film titled Mystery Team.

On that note, it was Glover's performance in Mystery Team that led to Community show runner Dan Harmon casting him in the role of main character Troy Barnes.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.