10 Things You Didn't Know About Donald Glover

6. He Was Voted "Most Likely To Write For The Simpsons"

Donald Glover Lando

Ah, where might The Simpsons be these days if it started hiring writers like Donald Glover...

Even from a young age, Donald Glover was recognised by his friends, family and peers as being a naturally funny guy. Growing up, Glover attended Stephenson High School, a public school located in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

It was there that he was voted by staff and classmates as the "Most likely student to write for The Simpsons", a clear sign of his budding talents. Though Glover has yet to write for the legendary cartoon, his first big break came in 2006, when he began writing for the comedy show 30 Rock.

It was working on 30 Rock where Glover established himself as a comedian with serious writing prowess, landing the gig at the incredibly young age of twenty-one.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.