10 Things You Didn't Know About Eddie Redmayne

1. He Won The Raspberry Award For Worst Supporting Actor The Same Year He Was Oscar-Nominated

Fantastic Beasts Eddie Redmayne
Warner Bros.

The fact is, unless you're that rare breed of actor like Daniel Day-Lewis, chances are you're probably going to put out a stinker or two in the course of your career. Eddie Redmayne is no exception.

What's amusing is that the year Redmayne won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actor in Jupiter Ascending (a performance which is only as bad as the film it's in, which is to say, absolutely terrible) he was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor in The Danish Girl.

Seriously, though - if you haven't seen just how hilariously terrible Redmayne is as the intergalactic Balem Abrasax, you need to. His raging screams will go down as one of most unintentionally brilliant moments in cinematic history.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.