10 Things You Didn't Know About Freddy Krueger

1. Adam Sandler Once Derailed A Freddy Krueger Prequel

Freddy Krueger Didnt Know
Columbia Pictures

Adam Sandler’s films have been called a great many things: bad, very bad, and not good. Some early ones were decent but most are not. You can add director John McNaughton to the list of the funny (?) man’s detractors.

In a recent interview with Bloody-Disgusting, the Henry, Portrait Of A Serial Killer director had some not-so-nice things to say about Sandler, blaming him for mucking up an exciting premise he had for a prequel to the original NOES. Namely, it would be Freddy and his days spent in Hell.

“New Line had just made, what’s his name... the comedian that gets so little respect and makes so much money,” McNaughton asked, landing a hard right to Sandler’s ego. “It was one of his goofy comedies... Little (Little Nicky) something or other... there was a number of scenes in Hell and it was his first comedy that didn’t do too well."

“New Line didn’t want to go back to Hell,” McNaughton concluded. “So, I basically told them to go to Hell. Just the idea of being under the thumb of the studio and being called on to satisfy genre expectations, it’s not something that would make me happy. They were unwilling to go to Hell with me and it just came apart.” So, if anyone out there is upset that this movie doesn't exist, you pretty much have the Sandman to thank.

Are there any other little-known Freddy facts that you’d like to add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below.

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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com