10 Things You Didn’t Know About Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade

5. Filming Without Trousers

Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
Paramount Pictures

Anyone who works in the film industry, particularly on the set, knows that under all those lights it can get really hot, really fast! Anyone under heavy costumes need to take regular water breaks to cool down, but the Zeppelin scene in The Last Crusade proves it's a struggle even in normal clothes.

After one of the funniest moments in the franchise ("No ticket!"), the father and son sit down and have an honest discussion about Indy's childhood and Henry's perceived aloofness when it came to parenting, eventually leading them to plan their next move in searching for the Grail. Sean Connery though, under all the lights of the set, couldn't handle it and filmed the whole scene without his trousers.

Ford was initially baffled and confronted Sean about it, but after experiencing the heat himself decided to follow suit and strip. As the two of them were seated at a table, it didn't matter for the scene. The extras though, who were all dressed in winter-wear, had no choice but to sit and sweat it out.

Work in film, they said. It'll be fun, they said.


A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!