10 Things You Didn't Know About Hocus Pocus

8. A Lot Of The Film Is 'Lost'

There are many scenes which appear in the various original trailers but are not included in the released version of the film. They include Winifred being pushed into the school swimming pool by her sisters, the witches being swarmed by trick-or-treaters holding out their hands for candy, the witches meeting up with Billy only to complain about his "foul stench", Mary and Winnifred searching the school's lockers, and Mary snacking in a grocery store only to be pulled out by Winifred.

However, some lost moments can finally be viewed on the 25th Anniversary Blu-Ray, released in 2018. These include: Mary asking if "she left the cauldron burning" before the witches are hanged; Max arguing with his father about taking his sister trick or treating; a longer scene of Max's parents after the kids have left for the Halloween evening; an extended scene of Billy searching the underground tomb for the kids; the Bus Driver discussing payment with the witches; and Mary wiggling a candy crow in her hand.

It's a shame a lot of the filmed footage didn't make the final cut, because they all sound utterly brilliant.

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Hocus Pocus
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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid