10 Things You Didn't Know About Inception

5. Leonardo DiCaprio Rewrote A Lot Of The Script

Inception Corridor

It's difficult to imagine Leonardo DiCaprio getting involved with the scriptwriting duties on any of his films, given that we tend to think of him as simply an actor. In the case of Inception, though, DiCaprio reportedly felt it necessary to tweak Nolan's original draft of Inception - to make it more emotional.

According to producer Emma Thomas, DiCaprio felt that Nolan's version of Inception lacked the appropriate emotional heft, which isn't all that surprisingly considering that it's a criticism that has plagued much of the director's body of work since the days of Memento (though nobody could argue that's the case for Interstellar, which is surely one of the most heartbreaking films of recent times).

DiCaprio thus set out to ensure that Inception was "less of a puzzle" and more about the characters; he had lengthly discussions regarding his character, Cobb, with Nolan, and - over the course of several weeks - the script was altered to fit DiCaprio's specifications (which was integral to getting him to sign on to star, in fact).

There's no doubt that his contributions helped to make Inception a far more affecting and ultimately rounded experience overall.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.