10 Things You Didn't Know About Inception
3. Tom Hardy Lied About Being Able To Ski In Order To Get The Part

Tom Hardy, you little scamp. Though to be totally honest, it's justifiable, isn't it? If you're faced with the possibility of being cast as one of the coolest characters ever in a Christopher Nolan sci-fi film, it's okay to lie about being able to ski.
And that's what happened, according to Christopher Nolan. When he auditioned for the part of Eames, Tom Hardy - who had never skied in his life, by the way - told the director that he was perfectly adept at skiing.
“Chris said I lied to him when we first met about whether I could ski," said Hardy when quizzed on the subject, before adding: "Who wouldn’t? It’s Chris Nolan. If he asked me if I could rock-climb, I’d tell him I could rock-climb anything.”
So don't feel too bad if you ever feel the need to lie a little on your CV; it might lead to something huge, like, oh, being cast as the main villain in The Dark Knight Rises.