10 Things You Didn't Know About Inception

2. The Working Title/Codename For The Film Was "Oliver's Arrow"

Inception Corridor
Warner Bros.

Yeah, not quite as good, is it?

Before Inception was called Inception, though - and we must all agree right now that Inception is one of the best ever titles for a sci-fi movie; it's so simple, effective and memorable - it was enigmatically codenamed "Oliver's Arrow."

No, not that song by Elvis Costello (that's "Oliver's Army"), but a title inspired by Christopher Nolan's son, Oliver, and Arrow, from the Arrow DC comic book series. Put them both together and... well, you get the idea.

It's believed by most that this title was a mere decoy used by the production team in order to hide the fact that Christopher Nolan and Leonardo DiCaprio were working on a huge blockbuster movie together, but it was also utilised as a temporary, stand-in title for the film before Nolan officially decided to call it "Inception."

Given that there isn't a character called Oliver in the movie, nor any arrows for that matter (if only!), said theory seems to make sense.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.